Are you seeking greater inner wellness, clarity and self awareness? Are you wanting to feeling supported and nurtured on your self love journey? Would you like to feel greater connection - with yourself, your world, and a community of like-minded individuals?

Explore our courses for pre and teen girls, women and mamas, including:

Glitter Goddess Workshops for Pre -Teen and Teen Girls

Acts of Self Love for Wholehearted Women

Aruma Mama Grounding Course for Mindful Mamas

And at the heart of it all is our Kindred Circles community, where girls, women, and those who identify as women, can regularly connect in sacred women's circle, a practice that is both a return to an ancient feminine and a completely new shift into women's empowerment.

"Amanda is such a grounded and intuitive guide. In her Women's Circles, I feel at ease to openly share my thoughts and feelings and feel accepted. It's such a special time to be in the presence of other like-minded women focusing on improving their sense of being. I always leave feeling empowered, connected and so grateful. Thank you so much for facilitating such a beautiful experience for us.'

- Ali

For mamas who are seeking calm, strength, and compassion

Are you on the parenting or self-parenting journey? Are you wishing to feel more at peace as a parent, to choose presence over perfection? Aruma Mama Grounding Course guides women to lean into their feminine energy, to simultaneously uncover and consciously create parts of their new identity as a mother whilst connecting with their children from a place of compassion, joy and love. Learn how presence is your superpower, and how to create magical wholehearted moments with and for your children.

For curious, courageous girls

No doubt one of the most challenging time for any young woman is her journey towards womanhood. New and big emotions, friendships and body image, menstruation and bodily changes: it's not an easy time for any girl.

These workshops are for girls who are sensitive and empathic. Girls who are seeking greater self awareness and self compassion. Girls who are seeking wisdom, resilience, strength and self acceptance. Girls who are seeking a special sparkly sisterhood.

For women who are on the self love and healing journey

Are you on the path towards enlightenment and self love? This course is for women who are navigating emotional blockages, who are committed to healing their own childhood traumas, who are wanting to be the best version of themselves. Who are wanting to love themselves and treat themselves with compassion, kindness and integrity. Who are wanting to shed the weight of societal conditioning. Who are wanting to be their own best friend.

Hi, I’m Amanda

I'm a women's empowerment coach, healer, writer and artist. I'm also a mother to two young girls.

I know first-hand how challenging life can be if you struggle with mental health and wellness. It takes courage, commitment and determinism to raise yourself our of places of fear, self-sabotage and darkness to light, love and acceptance. Yet it is possible, especially if you are connected with others who have been there and understand your journey.

It's my purpose to inspire, enlighten and support women and our future feminine (those who identify as women) to love, believe in and find sanctuary in their own selves; to feel strong, empowered and connected. I'm a community builder, and know first-hand that kinship is integral to our wellbeing. That's why these courses pivot around regular online Kindred Sacred Women's Circles. Watch yourself flourish as you discover just how sacred you truly are.

It is never too late to create yourself from the inside out, to love your life wholeheartedly!